• Current Nominator Information
  • Nominee Information
  • References
  • Nominee Accomplishments
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Nomination Process


The IEEE CEDA Distinguished Service Award recognizes an individual who has provided outstanding service to the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation that has had a significant benefit to the EDA community; including contributions in the following areas: conferences and meetings, publications, editors, administrative committee, council leadership, or other distinguished service and activities. Factors that will be considered for the award selection are: impact of service and contributions to the council, leadership, innovation, activity, duration, breadth of participation and cooperation.


All contributors to CEDA can make nominations. 


Before you complete the online form you must have the following information and supporting documents to complete the nomination:

  • Name, affiliation, and contact information of nominating individual
  • Nominee biographical information, including education and employment history
  • Proposed citation (which IEEE CEDA may adjust)
  • At least two professional references/endorsements
  • Up to 3 Significant service contributions to the Council- Factors that will be considered are: impact of service and contributions to the council, leadership, innovation, activity, duration, breadth of participation and cooperation and/or a Project file (pdf format)

