ESL Author Instructions

IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL) is dedicated to providing a premier platform for the rapid dissemination of early research results in the field of embedded systems. Our concise 4-page format and expedited review process ensure that your innovative research reaches the community quickly and effectively.

Publication Style and Type

IEEE Embedded Systems Letters accepts three types of manuscripts: regular manuscripts, position articles, and tutorials. All published manuscripts undergo a peer review process to ensure originality and technical soundness. Regular manuscripts should present original research findings, effectively demonstrating early ideas and initial results. Position articles allow authors to present novel viewpoints or future research directions in embedded systems. Tutorials provide comprehensive and accessible explanations of advanced topics, aimed at educating the embedded systems community.

Manuscript Preparation

  1. Format and Length: Submitted letters must be four pages or fewer, including all figures, tables, and references. Submissions exceeding this length will be returned without review. Papers should use a 7.875 in x 10.75 in (20 cm x 27.30 cm) trim size and the IEEE transactions two-column format in a 10-pt font. In word counts, this corresponds to roughly 2200 words. Templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word are available at the IEEE Author Center.
  2. Language: All manuscripts must be written in clear, concise English.
  3. Keywords: Provide up to five keywords that best describe the content of your manuscript.

If your manuscript is in response to a current Call for Papers, please follow the instructions in the Call for Papers when selecting your manuscript type.

Submission Process

  1. Platform: Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the IEEE Author Portal.
  2. Account Setup: Authors must create an account or log in to their existing account on the IEEE Author Portal.
  3. Submission Form: Complete the submission form, ensuring all required information is provided.
  4. File Upload: Upload your manuscript and any supplementary materials, such as figures or appendices.
  5. Cover letter: For most manuscripts, submitting a cover letter is optional. However, a cover letter is required in the following cases: 1. when submitting to a Special Issue, indicate the specific issue in your letter to the Editor-in-Chief; 2. when submitting a revision, provide a summary of the changes made to address the reviewers' comments; 3. when submitting a revision of previously rejected manuscript, explain the revisions made to address prior reviews and justify its consideration for re-review; and 4. when there is significant overlap with previously published or concurrently submitted work, clarify how the manuscript differs from your prior publications or works currently under review.

Review Process

  1. Initial Check: Upon submission, manuscripts undergo an initial check for compliance with submission guidelines and plagiarism.
  2. Desk Rejection: Manuscripts may be desk-rejected without a formal review process, if it is deemed to be outside of the scope of the letters, or if the IEEE ESL editorial staff cannot perform a good-quality review of the manuscript.
  3. Peer Review: The articles in this journal are peer-reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual (sections 8.2.1.C & 8.2.2.A). Each published article is reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-anonymous peer-review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance. Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waived or reduced open access APCs.
  4. Decision Timeline: We strive to make a first decision on the manuscript within one month of submission.
  5. Revisions: If revisions are required, authors are expected to submit the revised manuscript within two weeks.

Publication Ethics

IEEE ESL adheres to the highest standards of publication ethics. Authors must ensure:

  1. Originality: Authors must ensure that submission is original and has not been published or is in submission elsewhere. If this manuscript is similar to another one of your published or in-review manuscripts, please include that as supplementary material during submission and in the cover letter explain how this submission is significantly different from your previously published or in-review manuscripts. Failing this is considered as a serious breach of ethics and if detected, will result in immediate rejection of the submission and reporting to IEEE Ethics Board.
  2. Proper citations: Properly cite all sources of information and data. Please do not copy sentences and images from other documents without properly citing the source.
  3. Accurate authorship: Accurately represent the contributions of all authors.
  4. Declare conflicts of interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.


  1. Proofreading: Authors will receive page proofs for final proofreading before publication.
  2. Online Publication: Accepted manuscripts will be published online in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
  3. Promotion: Authors are encouraged to promote their published papers through social media and academic networks.
  4. Overlength page charges: IEEE production is the final authority on the formatting of manuscripts before they are published. If the typeset document is more than 4 pages, then the overlength page charges will be applied. The overlength page charges will be $125 per page, above 4 pages. 8 pages is the hard limit.

Video Graphical Abstracts

IEEE Embedded Systems Letters now requires that all published articles be accompanied by a video graphical abstract (GA), along with a caption and overlay image. While we do not require that a video abstract be included at initial submission, you will be required to submit a video abstract in a subsequent "minor revision" round. Video abstracts must be peer-reviewed and cannot be added after acceptance. Please review instructions for format, naming convention, and size guidelines for graphical art here. Be sure to name your file as detailed in these guidelines. Note that captions cannot exceed 1800 characters (including spaces). Overlay images are usually a screenshot of your video that best represents the video; this is for readers who may not have access to video-viewing software.


Contact Information

For any questions or additional information, please contact:

Aviral Shrivastava 
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Embedded Systems Letters
Email: (Click to show email)

We look forward to your submissions and to continuing to advance the field of embedded systems together.


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