Award/Recognition Menu
IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The total number selected in any one year does not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total voting Institute membership. Each new Fellow receives a beautifully matted and framed certificate with the name of the Fellow and a brief citation describing the accomplishment, a congratulatory letter from the incoming IEEE president and a gold sterling silver Fellow lapel pin with an antique finish.
Please note: The recipients tab includes "IEEE Fellows" elevated by the Council on Electronic Design Automation. The Council acknowledges that there are additional members of our community that have been elevated by other organizational units of the IEEE.
Fellow nominations are due February 7 each year.
Information on the IEEE Fellows Program to help nominators prepare their submissions.
for contributions to networks-on-chip for heterogeneous manycore architectures
for contributions to the implementation and evaluation of hardware security
for contributions to imaging-based integrated-circuit diagnostics and detection
for contributions to reliability and thermal modeling and analysis of integrated circuits
for contributions to parasitic extraction, circuit simulation and related numerical methods
for contributions to integrated circuits and smart energy systems
for contributions to embedded computer circuits and systems
for contributions to design and optimization of chip-scale communication architectures for manycore computing
for contributions to modeling and optimization of energy efficient computing systems
for contributions to physical synthesis of integrated circuits
for contributions to process variation modeling, circuit yield optimization, and their applications in industry
for leadership in the physical-level sign-off of Electronic Design Automation for SoC/ 3DIC
for contributions to electronic design automation and the tradeoff for 3-dimensional integrated circuits
for contributions to energy-efficient and approximate computing
for contributions to electronic design automation in VLSI physical design
for contributions to field-programmable gate array high-level synthesis and accelerator design
for contributions to modeling and design of power-aware and noise-tolerant nanoscale computing systems
for contributions to system-level timing analysis of cyber-physical systems
for contributions to modeling and simulation of electronic systems
for contributions to the design and co-optimization of integrated circuits
for leadership in ASIC and FPGA Electronic Design Automation
for contributions to domain specific accelerator design
For contributions to quantum circuit synthesis and optimization, and compiling for quantum computers
For contributions to hardware intellectual property protection and security
For contributions to resilient nanoscale integrated circuits
For contributions to logic synthesis and formal verification of arithmetic circuits
For contributions to network-on-chip architectures for manycore computing

For contributions to FPGA high-level synthesis
D. Atienza, D. Chen, S. Mitra

For technical leadership in the integrated circuits design automation
D. Atienza, A. Domic, S. Mitra
For contributions to hardware and embedded systems security and to privacy-preserving computing

For contributions to neuromorphic computing systems
For contributions to energy-efficiency and dependability of Very Large Scale Integration designs
for contributions to spintronic memory
for contributions to physical synthesis and modeling of integrated circuits
For contributions to variation-aware design and analysis of integrated circuits
for contributions to power and reliability management of Systems-on-Chip
for contributions to formal methods for inductive synthesis and algorithmic verification
for contributions to integrated circuits security and trust
for contribution to computer-aided verification and reliable system design
for contributions to system-on- chip design automation and latency-insensitive design
for contribution to low-power, real-time, and reconfigurable systems
for contributions to design for manufacturability of VLSI circuits
for leadership and technology innovation in integrated circuit design and automation
for contributions to modeling and design of VLSI interconnects
for contributions to design tools for low power, high-speed VLSI circuits and systems
for contributions to the development and commercial adoption of SPICE circuit simulation
for contributions to design methods and tools for multiprocessor systems on chip
for contributions to resource management for embedded systems
for contributions to gate, interconnect, and clock network optimization in VLSI circuits
for contributions to the analysis and modeling of integrated circuits and systems
for contributions to formal hardware verification and its application
for contributions to hardware/software codesign of embedded computing systems
for contributions to mixed-technology micro-systems education
for contributions to design and optimization of energy-aware computing systems
for contributions to design automation and architecture of three-dimensional integrated circuits
for contributions to design centering and structural analysis of analog circuits
for contributions to design for manufacturability in integrated circuits
for contributions to power- and temperature-aware design of VLSI circuits and systems
for leadership in analog and mixed-signal hardware description languages and their simulation tools