Award/Recognition Menu
To recognize the best paper presented at the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). The award may not be given in a particular year if at any point in the decision process it is decided that there are no candidates as a truly outstanding paper.
2000 USD to be shared amongst the authors and a certificate.
The IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA).
Awarded annually at the ICCAD.
Given in memory of William J. McCalla for his contributions to ICCAD and his CAD technical work throughout his career. The awards are split into three sections, two for the current year of the ICCAD conference and one for an ICCAD paper from 10 years prior. For the current year awards, one will be given for the best research paper covering the front-end of the design process and one will be given for the back-end of the design process. For the ten-year retrospective most influential paper, the award is given to the paper judged to be the most influential on research and industry practice in computer-aided design of integrated circuits over the ten years since its original appearance at ICCAD. The awards are jointly sponsored by IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (IEEE CEDA) and the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (ACM SIGDA). The awards are decided by ICCAD Best Paper and Most Influential Awards Selection Committees and were first given in 2000.
William J. McCalla was born in Orange, CA, on 28 November 1943. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1967, 1968, and 1972, respectively. While at the university, he held appointments as a Research Assistant on the staff of the Electronics Research Laboratory, University of California, and as a Teaching Assistant within the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. During the summers of 1964-66 he was employed by Philco-Ford, and in the summer of 1968 by Motorola. After receiving his doctorate, he worked at a number of industry positions beginning with Bell Laboratories in 1972. Other positions he held were with Signetics, Hewlett-Packard, Cadence Design Systems, and Intel. His pioneering book on circuit simulation, titled "Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Circuit Simulation," was published by Kluwer in 1987. He passed away on 14 September 1999 at the age of 55. He was a member of Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Tau Beta Pi. He was married for 29 years and is survived by his wife, Judi McCalla, and sons, Matthew and Justin.
General quality, originality, contributions, subject matter, and timeliness.
Presenters of papers at the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design for the current year. The paper will be selected from all submissions without regard to particular subjects or categories and without regard to the status of the author (student, professional, etc.). All papers submitted to ICCAD are eligible, except those which are authored in whole or in part by either the Technical Program Chair, the Technical Program Vice Chair, or the Chair of ICCAD. Multiple papers may be selected in a particular year if it is determined that all such papers are deserving of the award.
Front-End Category
Back-End Category
Ten Year Retrospective Influential Paper Award
Back-End Category
Ten Year Retrospective Influential Paper Award
Front-End Category
Front-End Award
Back-End Award
Ten Year Retrospective Influential Paper Award
Front-End Award
Back-End Award
Front-End Award
Back-End Award

Front-End Award

Back-End Award

Front-End Award
2018 Awardees at ICCAD in San Diego

Back-End Award
Back-End Award
Front-End Award
Front-End Award
Back-End Award
Front-End Award
Back-End Award
Back-End Award
Front-End Award