Call for Distinguished Lecturers

The IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) invites nominations for CEDA Distinguished Lecturers (DLs). The DL Program is an outreach program of CEDA that brings distinguished speakers from academia and industry to give presentations to CEDA chapters, events, and industries in a variety of venues and formats. 

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • The DL nominee must be nominated by a CEDA participant who does not have a conflict with the selection process. No self-nomination is allowed.
  • If you are looking for a nominator we encourage you to contact the chair of your corresponding CEDA Local Chapter.
  • The DL nominee must be a well-recognized expert in their field because of their research, teaching, service activities, and as an inspiring speaker.


Each Lecturer should submit up to three lecture topics in their field of expertise that will be posted on the CEDA Website. The Distinguished Lectures should be readily available to travel within their geographical area upon contact with the Chapters or appropriate organizations. Reasonable travel expenses will be paid by the Distinguished Lecturer Program, and it is encouraged the sharing of travel expenses with other Organizational Units (Societies, Councils, etc.) of IEEE for joint activities. In addition, the maximum expense limit allowed for each DLP lecture includes USD 1500 for intra-continental talks and a total of USD 2500 for inter-continental talks. Moreover, IEEE CEDA can only cover economy-fare flights. Expenses must be submitted via IEEE Concur and follow the IEEE Expense Reimbursement Guidelines for IEEE Volunteers.


Nomination Form