DATE 2022

2022 25th Design, Automation and Test in Europe


Event Menu


14 - 23 March 2022 |  VIRTUAL PLATFORM

DATE is pleased to present a special hybrid format for its 2022 event, as the situation related to COVID-19 is improving but safety measures and restrictions will remain uncertain for the upcoming months across Europe and worldwide. In transition towards a future post-pandemic event again, DATE 2022 will host a two-day live event in presence in the city of Antwerp (just north of Brussels in Belgium), to bring the community together again, followed by other activities carried out entirely online in the subsequent days. This setup combines the in-presence experience with the opportunities of on-line activities, fostering the networking and social interactions around an interesting program of selected talks and panels on emerging topics to complement the traditional DATE high-quality scientific, technical and educational activities.

Call for Papers

The 25th DATE conference and exhibition is the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors as well as specialists in hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems. DATE puts strong emphasis on both technology and systems, covering ICs/SoCs, emerging technologies, embedded systems and embedded software.

The multi-day event consists of a conference with regular papers, panels, hot-topic sessions, tutorials, workshops, special focus days and executives. The scientific conference is complemented by various commercial showcases presenting the state-of-the-art in design and test tools, methodologies, IP and design services, reconfigurable and other hardware platforms, embedded software and (industrial) design experiences from different application domains, such as automotive, wireless, telecom and multimedia applications. The event will host the young people programme, the university fair and multi-partner projects dissemination on innovative research activities fostering the networking and the exchange of information on relevant issues, recent research outcomes and career opportunities.

More details are available on the DATE website:

Submission of Papers

All papers must be registered by Sunday, 12 September 2021 AoE (title, abstract and co-authors), the final version of the paper to be submitted by Sunday, 19 September 2021 AoE (firm deadline) via:

Papers can be submitted either for standard oral presentation or for interactive presentation.

The Program Committee also encourages proposals for Special Sessions, Tutorials, Friday Workshops, University Booth Demonstrations, PhD Forum and Exhibition Theatre.