2025 Green Revolution in Electronics Engineering and Networks Conference

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Green Revolution in Electronics Engineering and Networks Conference (GREENCON) 2025 is slated for March 19–21, 2025, at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The School of Electronics Engineering at VIT Chennai is excited to host this conference, providing a platform to explore cutting-edge research in electronics, communication, and networks, with an emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly advancements. It aims to facilitate the exchange of innovative ideas and research findings among professionals and researchers. This conference will enrich the participants' knowledge, fostering further research and innovation. It will also allow aspiring engineers and experts in related fields to network and collaborate. The main goal of this conference is to gather prominent academic scientists, researchers, and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research findings on various emerging trends and technologies in Electronics, Acoustics, Speech, Video, Signal Processing, Wireless Communication Networks, and Systems, as well as Antennas, Microwave, RF, and Optical Communication Networks and Devices. Experts in these disciplines from around the world will be invited to provide keynote addresses and invited lectures. The papers presented at this conference will be published in peer-reviewed, Scopus-indexed conference proceedings.