
Cultivating the Art of Persistence


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Monique Morrow is a big thinker in technology and social good, leading efforts in the space on the global stage, guided by her own definition of the art of persistence. Her work operates at the intersection between blockchain technology, security-privacy issues, questions of legal jurisdiction, and portfolio development, which she exercises as President and Co-founder of the Humanized Internet. She is also President of the VETRI Foundation, which is building the future of a fair data economy. Through her years as a woman working in technology, Monique crafted her meaning of persistence that involves both courage and compassion, authenticity and vulnerability. These themes are reflected in her TEDx Talks. If there is one takeaway from her talk, it will be to take concrete action to cultivate your own art of persistence and to be generous along the way. Register for "Cultivating the Art of Persistence"

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