2021 International Conference On Computer Aided Design
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Updated 17 March 2021
ICCAD has gone virtual. See the website for updates and details.
The Premier Conference Devoted to Technical Innovations in Electronic Design Automation.
Paper submissions must be made through the online submission system at the ICCAD website: https://www.softconf.com/l/iccad2021/.
Regular papers will be reviewed as finished papers; preliminary submissions will be at a disadvantage. Research papers with open-source software are highly encouraged where the software will be made publicly available (via GitHub or similar) with the camera-ready version if the paper has been accepted. For protecting the authors' identities in the double-blind review process, please do not include direct link to the non-anonymized software yet in the submitted paper but indicate the open-source contribution on a textural basis only. Authors wanting to share GitHub repositories may want to look into using https://anonymous.4open.science/ which is an open-source tool that helps you to quickly Double-blind your repository.
Authors are asked to submit their work in two stages. In stage one (abstract submission), a title, abstract, and a list of all co-authors must be submitted via the ICCAD web submission site. In stage two (paper submission), the paper itself is submitted whereby the submitted abstract of stage one can still be modified. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their paper submission meets all guidelines and that the PDF is readable.
The submission abstract deadline is 5:00pm PDT (GMT -07:00) Friday, May 21, 2021. No abstract submissions will be possible after this deadline.
The submission deadline for paper is 5:00pm PDT (GMT -07:00) Friday, May 28, 2021. We always have several authors contact the ICCAD office asking for a deadline extension. Due to the limited review cycle, NO extensions will be granted for ANY reason.
All papers must be in PDF format only, with savable text and embedded fonts in included (vector) graphics.
Each paper must be no more than 8 pages (including the abstract, figures and tables), double-columned, 9pt or 10pt font. Starting from last year, one page of references is allowed, which does not count towards this 8-page limitation.
Your submission must not include information that serves to identify the authors of the manuscript, such as name(s) or affiliation(s) of the author(s), anywhere in the manuscript, abstract, or in the embedded PDF data. References and bibliographic citations to the author(s) own published works or affiliations should be made in the third person.
Submissions not adhering to these rules, or determined to be previously published or simultaneously submitted to another conference, or journal, will be summarily rejected. Internal memoranda with full content not publicly available, and with author names not divulged, may be submitted.
IMPORTANT: Final camera-ready versions must be identical to the submitted papers with the following exceptions; inclusion of author names/affiliation, correction of identified errors, addressing reviewer-demanded changes. No other modifications of any kind are allowed including modification of title, change of the author list, reformatting, restyling, rephrasing, removing figures/results/text, etc. The TPC Chairs reserve the right to finally reject any manuscripts not adhering to these rules. A report detailing all the revisions made must be submitted together with the final camera-ready manuscript once any revision is conducted.
Paper templates are available at the ICCAD website and authors are recommended to format their papers based on the IEEE template.
Authors will be notified of acceptance on or before Saturday, July 17, 2021. Final paper guidelines will be sent at that time.
The deadline for final papers is Thursday, August 12, 2021. Accepted regular papers are allowed six pages plus one page of references in the conference proceedings free of charge. Each additional page (except references) beyond six pages is subject to the page charge at $150.00 per page up to the eight-page plus one page of references. IEEE will hold the copyright for ICCAD 2021 proceedings. Authors of accepted papers must sign an IEEE copyright release form for their paper.
At least one author per accepted regular paper or poster must register by Tuesday, August 17, 2021, at the discounted speaker’s registration rate. Failure to register will result in your paper being removed from the conference proceedings. In case of a regular paper, IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference. Starting from this year, the presentation of a regular paper includes both an oral and a poster presentation. The mandatory poster presentation will, in addition to the regular oral presentation, further stimulate the technical discussions.