Andy D. Pimentel
Andy D. Pimentel
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Andy D. Pimentel is full professor at the University of Amsterdam. His research centers around the design, programming and run-time management of multi-core and multi-processor (embedded) computer systems. He holds an MSc and PhD in computer science from the University of Amsterdam. Andy Pimentel is co-founder of the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS). He has (co-)authored more than 160 scientific publications and is the recipient of the prestigious Test of Time Award from the IEEE/ACM CODE+ISSS 2022 conference. He served as the General Chair of the HIPEAC 2015 conference, as Program (Co-)Chair of CODES+ISSS in 2016 and 2017, as General Chair of DATE in 2024, and will serve as General Chair of Embedded Systems Week in 2026. Furthermore, he has been a TPC member of most leading (embedded) computer systems design conferences, such as DAC, DATE, CODES+ISSS, ICCD, and ICCAD.