Peilin Song
United States of America

Peilin Song

IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
IEEE Region
Region 01 (Northeastern U.S.)

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Peilin Song is a Principal Research Staff Member at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, where he manages the Circuit Diagnostics and Testing Technology department. He joined IBM in 1997 and has since worked in the area of design for testability, fault diagnostics, and recently hardware security and reliability. He has more than 100 publications and holds 93 US patents. He was the General Co-Chair of 2022 & 2023 and Program Co-Chair of 2019 & 2020 IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS). He has been the guest-editor for IEEE Design & Test and IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. In 2004, he received the IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS) Paul Rappaport Award. He was a recipient of the IEEE Computer Society Outstanding Contribution Award in 2006. He has been a Golden Core Member of IEEE Computer Society since 2006. He is the Chair of IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Community (TTTC), 2022-2025. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rhode Island in 1997.

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