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Call for Participation Final Program: ETS2022 & TSS2022

2 years 9 months ago
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27th IEEE European Test Symposium & Test Spring School
May 23-27, 2022. Barcelona (Casa de Convalescència)

Final Program available. Registration is now open. Online/onsite participation is possible (hybrid format)


Supercomputers and European Sovereignty - Mateo Valero Cortés (Barcelona Supercomputing Center Director)

AI-Assisted Yield Learning - Yu Huang (Huawei Semiconductor Scientist & HiSilicon EDA Chief Architect)

DFX: Exploring the Design Space for Quality - Kaushik Narayanun (VP of Hardware Engineering, NVIDIA Corp.)

SiGe BICMOS Technology with Advanced Integration Solutions for mm-Wave and THz Applications - Mehmet Kaynak (Leigniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics)

Link to keynotes

ETS (hybrid event) has been established as Europe’s premier forum, and one of the main international forums that brings together the academic and industrial test communities to present and discuss scientific results, emerging ideas, applications, hot topics and new trends in the area of electronic-based circuits and system testing, reliability, security and validation. ETS is the cornerstone event of the European Test Week, which also includes the Test Spring School and Fringe Workshops.

Please, check the program details and the social activities in

Organizing Committee

Rosa Rodríguez-Montañés & Salvador Manich (General Chairs)
Paolo Bernardi & Daniel Tille (General Vice-Chairs)

Salvador Mir (Program Chair)
Alberto Bosio (Program Vice-Chair)

Daniel Arumí & Álvaro Gómez-Pau (Local-Arrangements Chairs)