CEDA's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program is centered on the concerted efforts of CEDA in alignment with IEEE to bolster diversity within the field of electronic engineering, with a particular focus on the field of Electronic Design Automation (EDA). By leveraging the collaborative framework established by IEEE, this initiative aims to not only increase representation but also foster an inclusive environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds can thrive and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of engineering practices in EDA.
The Advancing Diversity in EDA (DivEDA) forum aims to support women and underrepresented minorities (URM) in advancing their careers in academia and industry, fostering diversity within the EDA community. DivEDA editions have been held at DATE and DAC and have been jointly supported by IEEE CEDA and ACM SIGDA.

AcronymDivEDA 2024DateGeographic LocationValencia, SpainIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)SeriesDivEDA
AcronymDivEDA 2022DateIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)SeriesDivEDA
AcronymDAC 2019DateGeographic LocationLas Vegas, NV, USAIEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)SeriesDivEDA
AcronymDivEDA 2018DateGeographic LocationDresden, GermanyIEEE RegionRegion 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)SponsorshipFinancially SponsoredSeriesDivEDA
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Design Automation Conference
Women in Technology at DAC
DAC invites all attendees to multiple events during the conference to highlight innovations, contributions, and achievements of women in technology and address the growing needs of professional women in the semiconductor field. Come network and inspire future generations to confidently follow and outpace the women leaders in our field.
For more information on women in technology events at DAC or to be part of DAC’s diversity and inclusion committee, please contact Michelle Clancy Fuller at (Click to show email).
Marie R. Pistilli Women in Electronic Design Award
The Marie R. Pistilli Women in Electronic Design Award is a prestigious annual honor that recognizes individuals who have visibly helped to advance women in electronic design. The award is named for the late Marie R. Pistilli, former organizer of DAC, who placed a high value on equality, diversity, and acceptance.
WIE Events at DAC
AcronymDAC 2022DateGeographic LocationSan Francisco, CA, USAIEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)
AcronymDAC 2022DateGeographic LocationSan Francisco, CA, USAIEEE RegionRegion 06 (Western U.S.)
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE)
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science.
IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference
Launched in 2014, the mission of the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (IEEE WIE ILC) is to inspire, engage, and advance women in technology, whether in industry, academia, or government. The vision for the conference is to provide attendees with the opportunity to create communities that fuel innovation, facilitate knowledge sharing and provide support through highly interactive sessions designed to foster discussion and collaboration. IEEE WIE ILC focuses on providing leading-edge professional development for mid-level and senior-level women. Our objectives are to 1) provide relevant professional, leadership development content through sessions, workshops, keynotes, and creative and innovative methods; 2) provide opportunities for individuals to be connected with companies for recruiting, mentoring, and networking; 3) provide peer-to-peer networking and mentoring opportunities; and 4) continually iterate and innovate on the event, in order to deliver inclusive, interesting, engaging, and exciting opportunities for participants.
WIE Webinars and Events
AcronymIEEE WIEDateSponsorshipRelatedSeriesWIEIEEE WIE
AcronymIEEE WIEDateSponsorshipRelatedSeriesWIEIEEE WIE