The IEEE CAS Society's unique expertise can have a decisive impact on Engineering Challenges of the 21st century.
IEEE Design&Test offers original works describing the models, methods, and tools used to design and test microelectronic systems from devices and circuits to complete systems-on-chip and embedded software. The magazine focuses on current and near-future practice, and includes tutorials, how-to articles, and real-world case studies. The magazine seeks to bring to its readers not only important technology advances but also technology leaders, their perspectives through its columns, interviews, and round-table discussions.
Topics include semiconductor IC design, semiconductor intellectual property blocks, design, verification and test technology, design for manufacturing and yield, embedded software and systems, low-power and energy-efficient design, electronic design automation tools, practical technology, and standards.
IEEE Design&Test offers original works describing the methods used to design and test electronic product hardware and supportive software. The magazine focuses on current and near-future practice and includes tutorials, how-to articles, and real-world case studies. Topics include IC/module design, low-power design, electronic design automation, design/test verification, practical technology, and standards.
IEEE Design&Test is cosponsored with the IEEE Council on Electronic Design and Automation, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, and the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society.
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The IEEE CAS Society's unique expertise can have a decisive impact on Engineering Challenges of the 21st century.
The Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) was established to foster design automation of electronic circuits and systems at all levels. The Council’s field of interest spans the theory, implementation, and use of EDA/CAD tools to design integrated electronic circuits and systems.
The field of interest for SSCS is the design, implementation, and application of solid-state integrated circuits.